13 Republicans who voted to avert government shutdown to be boosted by non-profit

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  • 10/23/2023
The Governing Majority Education Fund, a non-profit aligned with the Republican Governance Group, is launching a paid mail and digital ad campaign supporting 13 Republican members who voted for the stop-gap funding measure that avoided a government shutdown.

In total, 13 members of the Republican Governance Group, a caucus of centrist Republicans, will benefit from this campaign. The ads will tout that they voted for the continuing resolution in late September, which kept the government open, voted to cut government spending, supported the troops and border security, and blocked “harmful proposals that increase the federal government's role in healthcare.”

“Given the terrorist attack in Israel and broader global instability, recent influx in illegal immigration along our southern border, and the many challenges Americans face here at home, it was imperative that these Members stepped up to ensure the nation meets its obligations," said Governing Majority Education Fund Board President and Former Member of Congress, John Faso. "These members understand that it is possible to pay our bills and fund the government while working toward fiscal responsibility and a more limited government."

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