Advocates push for national popular vote for president in Florida and across the U.S.

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  • 11/14/2023
Growing numbers of Americans are deciding that the way we elect the president of the United States needs to change to guarantee that the winner of the popular vote nationwide wins the presidency – which is not currently the case.

That’s the impetus behind a legislative effort filed by Central Florida Democratic state Sen. Victor Torres (SB 236) that would add Florida to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, essentially a contract between the states that would go into effect once states representing a majority of electors — 270 — approve it.

“The National Popular Vote means that every vote counts,” Torres told the Phoenix in an interview. “It means every constituent out there knows that their vote counts towards who he or she wants to represent them for president.”

The legislation calls for the state’s chief election official — Secretary of State Cord Byrd for now — “shall designate” the presidential slate with the largest national popular vote total as the “national popular winner.”

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