Biden border crisis: 13 million illegal immigrants now in US

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  • 12/14/2023
As President Joe Biden’s open-border policies prompt daily stadium-sized lines of immigrants seeking entry from Mexico into the United States, thousands more are crossing undetected.

A new estimate this week put the growing population of “gotaways” at a sky-high 13 million, more than the population of every state except four: California, Texas, New York, and Florida.

“I think the number is around, now, probably close to 13 million,” said Steven Camarota, the research director for the Center for Immigration Studies.

He provided the new estimate at a conference held this week, during which he released a new census-based report showing that there are almost 50 million foreign-born citizens in the country, far more than previously expected by the government and likely driven by the spike in Biden administration-approved immigrants flooding into the country.

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