Biden State Department Won't Fire Notorious Anti-Semitic Foreign Service Officer

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  • 10/31/2023
An outspoken anti-Semite who maintains a blog that states "Jews are the enemies of God and the children of the devil" has faced no professional repercussions as a State Department diplomat, communications obtained by the Washington Free Beacon reveal.

Fritz Berggren first caught the attention of State Department officials in February 2021 after reports surfaced that he ran a blog that included posts claiming that "Jesus Christ came to save the whole world from the Jews … they who are the seed of the Serpent that brood [sic] of vipers." At the time, Berggren worked as a foreign service officer for a State Department division that oversaw special immigrant visas for Afghans.

The ensuing media firestorm did not seem to hurt Berggren, who helps craft the nation’s foreign policy to this day—and posts nearly every day on his blog A State Department spokesman told Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa), in an. Oct. 26 letter shared with the Free Beacon, that "Mr. Berggren is currently an employee of the Department of State. Beyond confirming his current employment, the Department does not comment on personnel files or records."
Star of David by Benny Rotlevy is licensed under Unsplash

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