Biden would veto standalone Israel aid bill backed by GOP, says White House

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  • 02/06/2024
Joe Biden’s administration said on Monday he would veto a standalone bill backed by House Republicans that would provide aid to Israel, as it backs a broader bill giving assistance to Ukraine and Israel and new funds for border security.

“The administration strongly encourages both chambers of the Congress to reject this political ploy and instead quickly send the bipartisan Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act to the president’s desk,” the Office of Management and Budget said in a statement.

Officials from the Democratic president’s administration have been working for months with Senate Democrats and Republicans on a $118bn legislation package revealed on Sunday combining billions of dollars in emergency aid for Ukraine, Israel and partners in the Indo-Pacific region, with an overhaul of US immigration policy.

The bill includes $60bn in aid to Ukraine, $14.1bn for Israel in its war in Gaza, and about $20bn for new enforcement efforts along the US-Mexico border.

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