'Distance does not matter': California sex offender used gaming app to prey on Port St. Lucie girl

  • by:
  • 09/06/2023
PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. (CBS12) — A registered sex offender caught and arrested in California used a seemingly innocent cellphone gaming application to prey on a girl from our community, according to Port St. Lucie police.

Eric Pineda, 32, is currently in the process of being extradited to St. Lucie County on four felony charges; lewd or lascivious exhibition, promoting sexual performance by a child, lewd or lascivious exhibition using a computer, and transmission of material harmful to a minor.

On August 8, the parents called 911 after finding concerning messages and pictures on their daughter’s phone.

Investigators learned Pineda used the avatar game application ZEPETO to target the Port St. Lucie child. According to police, the suspect provided the child his cellphone number and lied about his age, which later led to sex-related text messages, pictures and videos with the victim over a two-week period.
Checking Her Smartphone by Daria Nepriakhina 🇺🇦 is licensed under Unsplash unsplash.com
Source: WPEC

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