ICE arrests Brazilian illegal immigrant child rapist in Martha’s Vineyard

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  • 11/22/2023
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced this week that it arrested an illegal immigrant Brazilian fugitive – who is wanted in his home country for failing to serve a prison sentence for raping a 5-year-old child -- in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.

ICE said the Brazilian, identified as 37-year-old Saulo Cardona Ferreira, had received "multiple criminal convictions" in Brazil in 2019 for raping the child and had been sentenced to 14 years in prison, but he had fled the country. The town of Sorriso, Mato Grosso, had issued a warrant for his arrest.

The agency said that at an unknown time and place, he entered the U.S. illegally, meaning he evaded Border Patrol as a "gotaway."
Martha's Vineyard by David Berkowitz is licensed under Flickr Creative Commons

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