Marco Rubio: ‘China Wants to Displace the United States’

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  • 11/20/2023
Over the weekend, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., joined “One Nation” with Brian Kilmeade on Fox News to discuss China and Iran testing the United States’ military capacity and position as the dominant global superpower.

Rubio said the following about China trying to dominate the globe:

“China wants to displace the United States. This is not me being paranoid about it. This is in their speeches. This is in the books that their generals are required to read. This is in Xi Jinping’s own words. He believes that America is in decline, Europe is in chaos, China is on the rise, and there’s all this global chaos.… We need to be clear-eyed about that. They intend to be the most powerful country in the world. When you talk about a great power competition, there is no win-win. It is either they win, or we win. The world is going to change over the next 5 to 10 years, and it’s either going to be a world in which America is less powerful, and China is more powerful, or it’s going to be the reverse.

“As long as we go in clear-eyed about that, which I’m not entirely convinced this administration is, I think you have to deal with powerful countries. There’s nothing wrong with talking to them and engaging with them, but you have to do it within the concept of understanding that they are not looking for a win-win. They are looking to supplant us. In fact, they believe they’re well on their way, and we need to be clear-eyed about that and everything we do and not enter into deals that weaken us and strengthen them.”
Marco Rubio by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr Creative Commons

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