Marco Rubio, Rick Scott want Haiti plan from White House

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  • 03/18/2024
Florida’s Senators want President Joe Biden to help Floridians get ready for an expected influx of Haitians as the island nation deals with more domestic unrest.

Marco Rubio and Rick Scott on Friday released a letter to the White House demanding its “plan to deal with the significant unrest in Haiti and prevent this humanitarian and security crisis from having a direct negative impact on American families in Florida and across the United States.”

“There have been numerous reports of gangs committing jailbreaks in Haiti and releasing thousands of dangerous criminals,” the Senators write. “If individuals from Haiti arrive in the United States, how will your administration guarantee that no criminals are granted entry into the interior of our country?”

The letter also blames Biden for the chaos in the Caribbean nation, with an immigration policy said to pose “the greatest risk to the American homeland since 9/11.”
White House, Washington DC by David Everett Strickler is licensed under Unsplash

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