Panel advances Israel ambassador nominee despite GOP opposition

  • by:
  • 10/26/2023
President Biden’s nominee to be the next U.S. ambassador to Israel moved forward in his confirmation process Wednesday, advancing out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee despite Republican opposition.

Senators on the panel voted 12-9 to advance former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew’s nomination, setting up a floor vote for a position critical at a time when Israel is fighting a war against Hamas.

Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), the panel’s chair, said confirming Lew was vital “as we deal with the pieces we need to deal with in regards to Israel’s safety.”

“We need the gravitas of a confirmed ambassador that can speak with authority on behalf of the United States,” Cardin said.
Jack Lew by United States Department of the Treasury is licensed under Wikimedia Wikimedia
Source: The Hill

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