Trump vs. Biden on immigration: 12 charts comparing U.S. border security

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  • 02/12/2024
Immigration is a polarizing issue in U.S. politics, and will probably play a central role in the November presidential election. Illegal border crossings have averaged 2 million per year since 2021, the highest level ever, and Republicans are eager to run against President Biden’s border security record.

Polls show broad public disapproval of how Biden has handled the surge, and former president Donald Trump, who also faced criticism for his immigration policies, is running for office on promises to crack down and deport millions of people.

Trump’s opposition to senators’ recently proposed $118 billion bipartisan border bill, tying border reforms to Ukraine aid, influenced many Republican legislators to reject it. It also dealt a potentially fatal blow to the possibility of new laws and tools that could reduce illegal crossings and ease strains on cities with overwhelmed shelters. Biden may have to manage such issues without Congress’s help during his reelection run. He could attempt to blame Republicans if crossings spike again and the situation slips out of control.

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